Deep App & Tech Research

Set your foundations right with our thorough app and tech research, a fundamental component of our cloud migration service. Our team meticulously scrutinizes your current tech stack, understanding the nuances of your applications and exploring their cloud compatibility. This rigorous analysis assists in developing a bespoke migration strategy, ensuring a seamless transition to the cloud with minimal disruption to your operations.

New IT Environment Planning

Seamlessly shift your operations to the cloud with thorough planning. Crucially, we’ll validate how well your existing systems are going to operate in a cloud setting. Our team conducts extensive tests to ensure compatibility and efficiency, identifying potential bottlenecks or inconsistencies early on. This proactive approach allows us to devise optimal solutions, to ensure that your systems operate at the highest possible standards of efficiency and reliability.

Alternative System Management

Not every app meets the higher standards needed to run perfectly from the cloud. Our experts will conduct a rigorous assessment of your current IT infrastructure to identify the most suitable cloud-based solutions. Whether it’s a shift to Azure, MS 365, OneDrive, or other cloud technologies, we’ll help you find the right collection of systems to meet your expectations.

System & Server Requirement Mapping

This fundamental process ensures that your existing IT resources align perfectly with your new cloud environment. Our seasoned IT specialists conduct a comprehensive audit of your current systems, identifying hardware, software, and data resources, and their respective requirements. This detailed mapping aids in establishing an efficient and seamless transition, minimizing downtime and disruption, whilst ensuring optimal performance in your new cloud-based infrastructure.

Data Transition Scheduling

We understand that every bit of data is critical, hence our team works round the clock, often scheduling transitions during off-peak hours, to maintain your business continuity and productivity. Our cloud migration service takes into account your company’s unique needs, delivering a bespoke solution that aligns with your organizational goals.

Migration Timeline & Roadmap

We prioritize transparency and setting expectations right from the start, working closely with you to create an extensive migration timeline and roadmap, outlining all the stages involved in the move to the cloud. This roadmap, complete with milestones and estimated completion